Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"COD" isnt just the fish anymore

Video games had evolved throughout the years. Its one of the most influential instruments in our society. Although there are certain ratings like "M" for Mature and "E" for everyone, I still meet six-year olds everywhere who play games that are meant for "Mature" audiences. I understand why parents always comment on how much time their children spend on playing these games, but they should also understand that they have the power to take these games away from their children. Yeah, it's hard for parents to say "Stop playing your games and red a book instead," parents should be paying more attention to what their kids play in the first place (like the rating). I remember when I was little and I was only limited to playing Super Mario on our Nintendo for 2 hours after I finished my school work turned into me playing "Crash Bandicoot" or "Dead or Alive"(which is for mature audiences btw) on the PS1 for countless hours after. I started pretending that I was Coco Bandicoot or Lei Fang. So I understand how these could influence children's play. When you spend so much time on video games, the characters almost start to be your idols
It is good that manufacturers took into the consideration the physical aspects of playing video games. A typical stereotype for a "gamer" is an obese person who eats junk food and microwave "Hot-stuffs" all day, but now that games like "Wii-fit" game out you could be a gamer and get your daily dose of exercise too! So I definitely think that some video games have turned out to be beneficial to the user. Thing is, how many people enjoy doing Wii-fit exercises rather than sit-down games like "Modern Warfare" or "Little Big Planet". I don't play much video games but if I did I'd probably play more of the sit down games. Yeah, "Cooking Mama" is fun but I play it sitting down and really, how hard is it to do the things they tell you to, how much does it actually bring up your IQ?
Look at this. Yup all THIS because they canceled his World of Warcraft account. Is this why parents don't take away their child's video games?


  1. I agree with you Bea. It's up to parents to take away their child's games. But to being with, they shouldn't of bought them a game system to begin with. It was the parents' decision to buy the system, so then it's partially their fault that their child won't put down that controller. In the end, if a parent wants their child to play games that are beneficial for them, then they might as well buy them a Wii, so that at least they'll get some exercise out of it.

  2. I agree with your post. Video games are addicting and take up a lot of time but parents have the power to take away video games from their children at anytime. If parents wanted a more beneficial system they should buy the Wii. It has less violent games and they also have exercising games. This way the child stays healthy and has fun at the same time.
