Monday, January 25, 2010

Talk to your child, before they get mauled by women.

I was pretty surprised that Dove and Axe had the same parent company but campaigns that totally went against each other. Its like ordering one of your children to love themselves for who they are and having the other one think they're not good enough so they should smell good to get girls.
1) I was proud of the Dove campaign for real beauty. We get told several times in our lives that people are beautiful in our own way. We're beautiful even if we don't cake-up our faces with make-up, even if we don't look like the people in magazines, or have implants although some people or the media says otherwise. Dove wanted to eliminate the stereotype's about what being beautiful is and I respect them for that. They are raising self-esteem for people out there who were primarily self-conscious about their physical appearance since they don't fit the description of "beauty".
2) The Axe Effect campaign was the complete opposite of the dove campaign. Watching this made me raise an eyebrow. Why were these women travelling to the amazon in bikinis? Did they just walk on water? Women like men who are clean, just because a man smells like he spilled a whole bottle of perfume on himself it doesn't make him so irresistible that it sends us running to tackle him...
3)I think that a parent company doesn't really take much action to ensure that all their sectors express the same beliefs and values. Many products take different approaches of promoting their products and whatever sells-well...sells. Its not a publicly known fact that Dove and Axe have the same parent company, therefore people don't hold Unilever responsible for the contradicting messages Dove and Axe have. Although both ads do exert some kind of message of confidence to the consumer, you're naturally beautiful;you feel just as beautiful as everyone else out there, you think you smell good; some girls might think so too.


  1. I totally agree with you bea. Girls feel bad about how they look because of these advertisment like axe. My brother Jeck wears axe and it smells NASTY he still thinks the ladies liek him. 8-)

  2. I totally agree with this post. Girls are starting to get insecure about how they should look and act around guys, because of this stupid axe advertisement!!
